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Long Term Savings Insurance Scoring Methodology

Long Term Savings Insurance Scoring Methodology

Evaluation by professional actuaries to help you identify long term savings insurance with high returns
Iris Lun
10Life Co-founder and Chief Actuary
1. Overview

Guaranteed Return

Based on the guaranteed cash value that the insurance company is obliged to pay.

Projected Return

Based on the projected cash value under the base scenario

Insurer Fulfillment Score (IFS)

Based on the fulfilment ratios by insurers in reporting year 2022

2. 10Life Score Weighting

10Life Score is designed to compare products based on different insurance needs and objectives. The 10Life Score weightings vary according to the insurance objectives and target horizon as follows.

ObjectiveTarget PeriodGuaranteed Return ScoreProjected Return ScoreIFS
Golden 10 Years10 Years40%50%10%
Education20 Years30%60%10%
Retirement30 Years20%70%10%
Legacy60 Years10%80%10%
10Life 5Star
Long Term Savings Insurance 5-Star Criteria

The top products under four common financial goals of whole life savings insurance for the policyholder:

  • Golden 10 Years
  • Education funding 
  • Retirement planning 
  • Legacy planning 

3. Assumptions

  • Male non-smoker age 35;
  • Total premium payment amount USD100,000;
  • No policy loan taken and no withdrawals of cash value and/or dividend/bonus throughout the policy term.

4. Return Score Details

Guaranteed return is one of the key differentiators between buying a mutual fund and a savings insurance product. 10Life compares the guaranteed return and the projected return of each product against the market benchmark to derive the guaranteed return score and projected return score, reflecting different risk levels at the end of the specified policy period. The detailed methodology is as follows.


4.1. The Levels of Risk Reflected

Three factors are used for assessing the savings returns after the policy is in force for a certain period of time.  

  • Is the return guaranteed?
  • Does the return include all guaranteed benefits?
  • Does the return include non-guaranteed benefits?

The details are summarised in the following table:

 Is this return guaranteed?Includes all guaranteed benefits?Includes non-guaranteed benefits?Cash Values Measured
Guaranteed Return ScoreYYNThe minimum cash values obligated by the insurer at the end of the specified policy period.
Projected Return ScoreNYYCash values assumed under the current “Base Case Scenario” by the insurer in the policy proposal.

4.2. Comparing the Cash Values

The three return scores measure the 10/20/30/60-year cash values, assuming the policyholder withdraws the total cash value (including guaranteed & non-guaranteed values) as a lump sum at the end of the 10/20/30/60th policy year.


4.3. Benchmark Return against the Market

For each of the three return scores, 10Life will determine the market benchmark by using the 99th percentile cash value in the 10/20/30/60th policy year. The return score is then calculated by comparing the cash value at these policy years against the corresponding benchmark. The benchmarks may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in the market.

5. Insurer Fulfillment Score (IFS) Details

Since the implementation of GL16 in early 2017, insurers are required to disclose fulfilment ratios of non-guaranteed dividends/bonuses. Currently the published data available in the market mainly cover the fulfilment ratios in the early policy years, making it insufficient to determine the ability of insurers fulfilling the long-term nature of these non-guaranteed returns. Moreover, products and market assumptions are constantly changing, making it difficult to predict future returns based on past returns. In spite of the difficulty, starting 2024, 10Life includes the published fulfillment ratios in the 10Life Score calculation to better compare long term savings products.

Insurer Fulfillment Score (IFS) depends on the following factors:

  • Average fulfilment ratio
  • Proportion of fulfilment ratios reaching 70%
  • Experience factor


5.1. IFS Scoring Methodology

As suggested by its name, long-term (participating) savings insurance is intended to be held for a longer term as an investment tool. The dividend/bonus payouts in early policy years tend to be relatively small, and thus the fulfillment ratios of early policy years is not indicative or representative of the insurer’s long-term performance. Therefore, 10Life focusses on fulfillment ratios for Policy Year 6 onwards. For insurers with an adequate number of observations of fulfillment ratios for Policy Year 6 onwards, i.e. 50 data points, 10Life employs the following formula for the IFS calculation:

IFS = 50% x Average fulfillment ratio + 50% x Proportion of fulfillment ratios reaching 70%


5.2. Experience Factor

Special treatment is provided for insurers who have a limited number of fulfillment ratio data points (at Policy Year 6 or above). A discount factor is applied to the Score based on the tier the insurer falls into, ensuring that insurers with a limited number of data points are still considered in the scoring, with the scores adjusted to reflect the lower confidence due to limited data availability. The discount factor gradually decreases as the number of data points increases, allowing for a more accurate representation of the insurer’s fulfillment performance. For Tier 3 and 4, a discount factor is applied to the IFS computed under section 5.2. However, for Tier 1 and 2 with less than 10 fulfillment ratio data points (Policy 6 onwards), the data scope is expanded to consider fulfillment ratio of all years.

TierNumber of data points (Policy Year 6 and above)IFS determination
Tier 1050% of IFS(All years)
Tier 21 - 1085% of IFS(All years)
Tier 311 - 3090% of IFS(Year 6 or above)
Tier 431 - 5095% of IFS(Year 6 or above)

6. Long Term Savings Insurance 5-Star Rating

10Life Long Term Savings Insurance 5-Star Rating is awarded to the top products under four common financial goals of whole life savings insurance for the policyholder:

  • Golden 10 Years
  • Education funding 
  • Retirement planning 
  • Legacy planning 


Each financial goal has its own specified target period, premium payment term and risk preference. The 5-Star Rating criteria for each category are summarised below.

ObjectiveTarget periodPremium payment termsGuaranteed return ratioProjected return ratioIFS
Golden 10 Years10 YearsSingle-Pay, including Pre-paymentAt least 100%At least 1.35-fold9.5 or above
Education funding20 Years5-12 YearsAt least 100%At least 2- to 2.4- fold, depending on the premium payment terms8.8 or above
Retirement planning30 Years10-18 YearsAt least 100%At least 3- to 4- fold, depending on the premium payment terms8.5 or above
Legacy planning60 Years1-20 YearsAt least 100%At least 19- to 42- fold, depending on the premium payment terms8.5 or above


Updated on Jun 26, 2024


10Life Product Comparison and 10Life Insurance Ratings are developed by 10Life Financial Limited, an authorised insurance broker company licensed with the Insurance Authority under License Number FB1526. 10Life Product Comparison and 10Life Insurance Ratings are developed for generic customer segments using mathematical calculations based on product information, facts and data, and are not influenced by any partnerships with or fees received from insurance companies.

Any information on 10Life Platform ("10Life Information"), including but not limited to Product Comparison, Product Ratings, Blog Articles are intended for general education purpose and reference only. None of the 10Life Information is intended, nor should they be considered or relied upon, as regulated advice, insurance, financial, investment or professional advice, recommendation, approval, endorsement, invitation or solicitation in respect of any insurance, financial or investment products. 10Life Information does not take into account your individual needs. Reading 10Life Information should not be considered as conducting a suitability assessment, and is not sufficient to form the basis of any decisions to purchase any insurance products. You should rely on information authorised by insurance companies, carry out your own research and/or seek independent advice from licensed intermediaries before purchasing any insurance products or making any insurance decisions. While reasonable effort is used when collecting, validating and updating 10Life Information from various channels, none of 10Life Group and its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, directors, officers and employees will be responsible for any liability, claim or loss arising from or associated with you using 10Life Information. No warranty, representation or guarantee is given by 10Life Group and its subsidiaries on the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information.

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